Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Wears Part II

The Wears made it back from Cozumel, filled with stories of flying first class because their original flight was overbooked. Brandon was excited about the extra leg room,and for Jess it was the wine. After the banter of the pleasures of first class died down Jess held out her tootsie-rollesque fingers to display a sparkling engagement ring. Not a suprise. We all thought they would elope on the trip. Jess, like always, tries to play it down, and for the first time in my life I encourage her not to. Bizzare behavior for me, always quick to move on from any bridal conversation. I am happy for the Wears (Not Wears! Bonvillains! insists Brandon, again). I am also very happy that she doesn't want bridesmaids.