Friday, August 27, 2004


visits are in order for the weekend. visits to me. visits that will most definitely require the assistance of alcohol. my dad and his wife, Laura, are on their way from their homestead in north Louisiana right now. meandering down I-20 towards the big D. Well, meandering if dad is driving, more like barrelling if Laura is behind the wheel. tomorrow we will head to Fort Worth for an art exhibit. for some reason I feel like Fort Worth is on the other side of the world. I've noticed that gradually I've made it a point not to travel north of Northwest Highway. I've told my dad of this wariness to leave my bubble, especially to go all the way to Fort Worth. Can't we just go somewhere here, I said. He said okay, but he really wants to see this exhibit, and this exhibit is in Fort Worth. I have to mention here that Fort Worth is really about 30 minutes away. For the lifelong city dweller that may be a big number. But for me - and dad - 30 minutes is how far we had to drive from our town any time we wanted to see a movie, or go to a nice restaurant. Or go to the mall (which I also make it point to avoid now). So see 30 minutes shouldn't be that bad.
Tonight I am taking him to Fogo de Chao, a restaurant I could never afford. yeah for dad!