Monday, September 13, 2004


I've got my shoes off, sitting indian-style at my desk. got a nice big cup of coffee. my boss is out sick for the morning. my tummy is growling. i don't want to eat because i have to get weighed at my annual girl exam today. it's the only time of the year i ever weigh. and it is a very depressing day. always. every time. and every time the number just goes up. so sad. i haven't owned a scale since high school. i self-banned them in order to kick a disturbing eating disorder and obsession. not healthy. sometimes i feel like i could easily slip back into those habits. especially if i really start to look at my body in the mirror. i feel my stomach full and i carefully eye the toothbrush at the edge of the sink. it'd be so easy now that i live alone.

the weekend held a visit to XPO, which will be no more after this week. soon to be made into lofts or condos because of a lost lease. how do you lose a lease? anyway the place was filled up with drinkers and drunkards alike. a countdown of the number of days until closing hung on each wall and the bathroom lines were constant. we got there after a steak dinner and bottle of wine - not the best primer for shots of lemon drops. the next day was a waste. my head pounded enough to make me immobile for the better part of the day. Saturday night led us to Angelos in Lakewood. After battling traffic for a Sister Hazel (?) concert we dined on delectible italian fare. by the way Sister Hazel is still around? After convincing Dave that going out for drinks would not be happening we headed home to watch Persona, an Inmar Bergmen film. very strange indeed. enough to give me strange dreams.