Friday, September 17, 2004


I just spent a my lunch hour (and a half) waiting for the Fed Ex man to show up at my apartment and he never did. Finally I had to give up and come back to work. I'm still new here. I don't want to give the wrong impression - like I take off for almost two hours all the time or something. Yesterday, when I get home I find the Fed Ex delivery slip on my door. No date or time and it has arrows pointing to the center in Garland where I should retrieve my package. I call this morning thinking I will go pick it up on my lunch break and the guy tells me that the package should be delivered today to my apartment, probably between 2 and 3 p.m. Okay, first of all who's freaking home at that time? So I go home at 1:30, I'm all like I'm gonna catch this bastard. To me it's like a game. So I wait. I look at the clock. He should be here soon, I think. I keep thinking. I hear a noise and peek out the blinds. just the guy who drives the big red truck. I keep peeking out the blinds - as if that's going to make Fed Ex truck come. By the time 3:10 rolls around I'm very pissy, my head hurts, i don't want to have to drive to freaking Garland and now I have to go back to work, an hour and a half wasted - I never got around to eating lunch. I'm beginning to appreciate my UPS man so much more. At first I was a little concerned that he would leave my packages with neighbors that I don't even know. But now, that really makes glad for it. At least I know where my stuff is (he leaves a not on the door telling me which apartment he's left it at) and it gives me a chance to say hi to neighbors I don't talk to otherwise.