Friday, June 16, 2006

In Your Face Lance

OK, so not really, but I did ride my bike to work and back yesterday. Yep, I actually participated in Bike to Work Week (except for me it was just the one day, I drove my gas guzzling SUV the rest of the week). The journey was about 14 miles total, 45 minutes each way. I managed to complete the mission with relative ease. Although I failed to consider the extent of sweating that would occur whilst pedaling down the Lake Shore path. I didn't really even notice it until I was almost to work and raindrops of sweat began to drop from my forehead into my eyes. Then I tugged the back of my shirt down -- an uh-oh on two levels: One, I'm pretty sure my electric blue panties had been showing the entire time and two, the back of my shirt was completely soaked. When I arrived at work and dismantled my backpack and bike helmet I realized that it would've been a really good idea to bring an ENTIRE change of clothes. After gulping down about a liter of cold water and a good half hour of standing under the AC vent I finally cooled down.

The ride home was pretty nice and I was feeling more comfortable on the bike (I failed to mention above that I haven't ridden in more than three years). But the best part was when I arrived at home and was greeted by an assortment of beautiful lavender and peach colored roses. Thanks sweets! I took a bath (after a frightening run in with the resident bathroom spider) and then ate some delicious Yaki Udon, had a glass of wine, had some chocolate followed by a mugful of green tea ice cream. After that I managed to read one story in "Naked" and then I proceeded to pass out around 9:30pm.

All in all, it was a rather good day, and I am pretty damn proud of myself. I think I will try the riding to work again next week, of course with a change of clothes in tow.