Monday, May 22, 2006

Green Acres

Cheese curds emit this incredible squeaky sound when you chew them. I've read about this phenomenon, somewhere, before, but growing up in the land of industrial cotton didn't reward me with a firsthand experience of the mythological treat. I'd never seen one; I imagined that they were kind of like a Cheeto. Also, in somewhat of an aside, whenever I hear the word "curd" I can't help but imagining the girl (what was her name?) in the nursery rhyme eating her proverbial curds and whey (minus the next part about the spider). But like a Cheeto, curds are not, well, except for the incredibly fun-to-eat part. I am now a fan. Of course, I didn't know the proper eating etiquitte of cheese curds -- that you really shouldn't keep them more than a day, and that you definitely shouldn't refrigerate them because they loose squeak power -- so I wish I had polished off the entire bag at once as my internal urge had demanded. I can't wait for the Wisconsin Cheese Festival. And I am being totally serious. I heart cheese.

The cheese curds were purchased at the opening day of the Farmer's Market just around the corner from our apartment. We were among some of the early arrivers and scored, in addition to the curds, some magnificant granola, honey, artichoke pesto, and a beautiful bunch of Iris flowers (my favorite!). I can't wait to go back next week and get some fresh vegetables (most likely asparagus) and herbs to cook a delicious meal. I also want more cheese curds.