Thursday, February 23, 2006

I Can Smell The Cake

No seriously, there's cake in my kitchen.

Well my friends, today I turn 26. The big boss yesterday told me I was getting up there. So did my grandparents on the phone last night. What's up with that? Also, what's up with everyone in my family calling me YESTERDAY to wish me a happy birthday "tomorrow"? Aren't you supposed to call the person on their actual birthday? I guess it just fits into our consistent pattern of familial dysfunction.

Moving on, I spent the majority of the day at work yesterday (besides eating cake) enjoying my new iPod Nano - an awesome birthday gift from my mom. My dad, who didn't want to outdo himself from last year, got me a candle and some coasters from Hawaii. With the price tags still on them.

This morning, I was left with instructions from Mike not to go digging around for my present from him while I'm home today. This is torture. I WANT TO DIG! I might have to, just a little :)

Tonight I believe Mike and I will dine on some very fine sushi at Kamehachi Café and tomorrow night we have plans to celebrate further with pizza, beer and live blues.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do today. Defnitely not laundry. The weather looks great, so I am most definitely heading out. And it looks like my free Thursdays might be coming to an end shortly, so if any day were the day to take advantage, it is today.

Well wishes, cash and/or chocolate donations are all welcome. References to wrinkles, approaching hills, and any phrases including the words "up" and "there" are not.