Wednesday, January 04, 2006



Groan. Sigh. Grunt. Roll Over. Face planted into pillow. I read somewhere that pushing your face into your pillow could cause - what was it - wrinkles? facial deformity? Oh well, something like that. Where's the kitty? Kitty? Kitty!? 'Meow.' There's the kitty! 'Rawrrrr.' Hey girl. My back hurts. I think I will drive to work today. Ahh it's time to get up. I really need to get up. Maybe I will stop at Starbucks. Yes, Grande Soy Latte sounds nice. I hope the shower's hot. Kitty I've got to move. 'Rawr!' Oof. Cold floor. Ow. Dammit. Why do I always run into things? Arg that freaking zit is still there. I wonder if it's raining. Clank. Swoosh. BrushBrushBrush. Spit. We really need to clean our bathroom.

Hmm.. I can't see. Freaking misty rain. I hate misty rain. My windshield wipers suck. Whoa there buddy! In your lane. YOUR lane. Thank you. Geezus. The back tire feels low. Is the back tire low? Why would the back tire be low I have new tires. Maybe I ran over a nail. Dude Caddy you are going slow. What's up with your license plate? MXKXYXM? Is that still ice in the water over there? Whoa, that's a big pot hole. Outta the way bus. I need to get to Starbucks.

Buzz. It's me. StompStompStomp. Why do these stairs always make me feel out of breath? And who put those stupid fake yellow flowers in the hall window? Hello. Sigh. Badunk. That backpack is freaking heavy. Hello. How are you? Still sick? Cover artist confirmed? That's awesome. Clank. Rip. Pour. Clank. Beep. Mmm. Oatmeal. Healthy. I need to workout tonight. Dammit, that lady has still not emailed me back.