Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Seal Stretch Only

OK, so if any of you have ever dealt with sciatic nerve issues then you'll be able to relate.

It all started Saturday morning, early, too early for the greater good. And when I say greater good, I mean any person that is unfortunate enough to have to deal with me when I have to wake up at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning.

This fateful Saturday I found out that it is, in fact, a good idea to warm up before an 8 a.m. softball game. You know, a little leg stretch, side bend, arm circle. Alas, I was too focused on ingesting and metabolizing my sugar-laced McDonald's coffee to worry about stretching appropriately. I slurped it down heartily while watching Mike do warm-up sprints across Left field.

I think it was my first at bat that did it. Something went amiss - and not just with my attempt to make contact with the ball. Gradually, throughout the day, the pain in my lower back became worse and worse. Sharp pains shooting up my spine and all. And it kept getting worse.

Sunday I tried a various medley of stretching and heat. Back seemed to get a little better, but I noticed my leg started throbbing too. At first I thought maybe I had pulled a muscle at the game.

It kept getting worse. Monday, my co-workers were a little inquisitive as they saw me walk by hunched over and limping, my leg dragging behind me like a horror movie zombie. This was when I learned that the sciatic nerve works its way down your leg, even into your toes.


Some pointers I have received:
1. Apply substance called Bio-Freeze.
2. Seal Stretch only, no rounding of back
3. Take a golf ball, place it in between your back and the wall and roll it around (this was not a good idea, come to find out, as I got stuck when I rolled myself too far down the wall)
4. Massage
5. Apply heat, but do not take hot baths
6. Swim

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, that is all.