Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I Didn't Fall Off The Turnip Truck Yesterday

Caught that phrase this morning on CNN when they were talking to this guy.

Take note of his name. Right on.

Jesse James Hardy finally did accept the $4.95 million for his land in April. Read about it here.

At first I was all like fucking eminent domain is fucking bullshit. But then I saw that the land is essential for wetlands restoration and I was all ehh...that's pretty important.

I feel like even though someone is offered a shitload of money, if they want to stay on their land, they should be able to. However, we all know that our environment, specifically the wetlands in southern Florida, is in a shitload of trouble too.

So whatcha gonna do? What's more important? A man's right to his land or the restoration and preservation of vital ecosystems?

In other news, whaaa? I guess it makes sense, she is from Texas.

Last night (I'm a little embarrassed to admit this) I watched the most godawful movie on OH! (I should just stop right there, right?) Jennifer Love Hewitt played some diva/party girl-type named "Katya." I didn't make it to the end of the movie (can't say I was disappointed) - sidetracked by parental phone call - but it got me to thinking about Jennifer Love Hewitt's former life.

Remember when she was "Love" on Kids Incorporated?

And I'm not embarrassed to admit that I used to watch the shit out of some Kids Incorporated. "Love" (did she think calling herself that was cool?) came toward the end of my Kids Inc. days, but I remember she used to wear this blue and black cow print outfit -- I totally had the exact same outfit. I wore it with a blue bow and Keds.

Rock on.

p.s. I realize that I've used an exorbitant amount of curse words in this post. Deal with it. I'm on deadline this week.

Thank you, that is all.