Friday, May 20, 2005

Bits and Pieces

Just so you know, the Bright-Eyed & Blueberry smoothie from Jamba Juice, while delicious, has a tendency to leave bits of blueberry/strawberry seeds stuck in your teeth.

So today, at 6:50 a.m., I pull into an community meeting, where they are honoring teachers of the year and role model students, wearing the big ass sunglasses and listening to this.

It didn't strike me until a little later (while singing My Country 'Tis of Thee) that this might not have been a good idea seeing as I was there representing the magazine.

Anyhoo. My boss just gave me tickets and a parking pass to the Rangers-Astro game tomorrow. Sweet.

Hopefully I can get in some pool/sunning time tomorrow too. If not, I'm gonna have to wear a sleeveless shirt to the game because I still haven't gotten rid of that damn farmer's tan from the Fry Street Fair. (I realize this was like a month ago) At least it's faded a little so I can wear sleeveless with minimal embarrassment. I'm in a bit of a tan dilemma with my legs as well, see they are so pasty white I hesitate to leave them exposed - but then, exposing them is the only way to get rid of the ghost skin. So maybe I'll wear my little green cargo skirt.

Someone in the hall just said they were "scuzzed out." I haven't heard that in a while.

Yesterday I decided to give in and get a pro account at Flickr. My justification was that I really wanted to upload the rest of the Charleston pics along with the pics from my sister's engagement party in Louisiana last weekend. (Um, have I done that yet? Of course not.)

However, I got a little bored at work and decided to play around with the cameras/photoshop. The result? Documentation of my lunch, the popcorn machine, the popcorn I ate and, of course, the Munch A Bunch candy machine I mentioned a few days ago:


Sweet Jesus I'm so glad it's Friday.