Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Oddly, I am still in a good mood

The apartment grounds crew has this uncanny way of starting their work 10-20 minutes before my alarm goes off. Every week on either Tuesday or Wednesday morning - no matter what time my alarm is set - I wake up to the distinct buzzing of a hedger or blower instead of my alarm. Typically my alarm goes off at 7/7:30, around in there. Today I decided to get up early to exercise. I set it for 6:30. At 6:15 a.m., I awaken to those familiar sounds of machinery. Ahh.

So then, the workout. Billy Blanks kicks my ass - but not as much as I thought he would. I did, however, manage to catch sight of myself in the unused computer monitor on the floor while doing bicycle sit-ups. Not pretty.

Shower: 7:50 a.m. I'm enjoying a nice hot one and I decide to shave my legs. Probably not a good idea seeing as the residue from last night's sugar scrub bath had left the bottom of the tub nice and slick.

Oh yeah, I slip and fall, FACE FIRST, almost taking down the shower curtain with me.

Any other day I would have cursed very loudly. But today, for some odd reason, I just jump up and say I'm OK to the wall.

Drying Hair: 8:20 a.m. I jab myself in the eye with the large round brush.

Driving to work: 8:55 a.m. Behind slow, hesitating driver, who is unsure of where he actually is supposed to be going. Hit large pothole unexpectedly.

Checking email: 9:15 a.m. Computer is slow and I have to sort through many prescription drug/porno emails in my inbox. Printer connection not working.

Call from insurance company: 9:30 a.m. Once again, they have screwed up something with my account. How hard is it people? This is the fourth incident of incompetence since December when I went in to set up the account. I am nice to the lady. Very odd behavior for me indeed.

Picking up lunch: 12:10 p.m. In capping my to-go tea, the tea bag comes loose dropping the leaves into the water. In the elevator, I spill the hot tea on my jacket. At my desk I fish out the loose tea leaves with a plastic fork.

So there it is. I just got a call from my Dad about taxes - and me screwing up on the estimated taxes I was supposed to pay. I have made a conscious decision not to think about this. It might ruin my good mood.