Friday, February 18, 2005

Stella was a Diver and She was Always Down

  • Today, this may very well be the best song ever.

  • (From a long list my uncle emailed to me) I like this one: Can a hearse carrying the deceased drive in the car pool lane?

    That reminds me of something that happened when I was living in Atlanta. This guy was ticketed for travelling in the HOV lane for only having one person in the car. For months, or even years, he had been putting an inflatable doll in the passenger seat to look as if it were an actual person.

  • Our Schools:
    They actually thought this would work?
    And we thought self-loathing was a problem before.

  • Ahh, the Pride of Louisiana.
    Seriously. There's a billboard in Baton Rouge that says that.

  • Well it's Friday. We are about to launch a fourth magazine - just wrapped up production week - and I am about to head to the conference room for Mimosas and donuts to celebrate. Good times.