Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Just a Little Bit of Sugar Makes the Coffee Go Down


"Dude, I don't think that's gonna work."

clank chang CLANK clink clink...

Ah - nothing like trying to fall asleep with a slight headache to the sound of 2 guys trying to change a tire underneath your window that seem to know nothing AT ALL about changing a tire.

I almost offered to help and I pretty much don't know jack (sorry 'bout the pun but I'm tired) about it either.

But, alas, I was able to retreat into the land of slumber.

Then, around 3:30 a.m. I woke up. With a MIGRAINE.

So, I fling myself out of bed and gulp down four Ibprofen. 30 minutes later I realize that is going to do no good and I search for my second to last Imitrex. For those of you that aren't familiar with migraines, Imitrex is the bad boy in headache fighting. 15 minutes after a nasal shot and that head pain is kicked to the curb. It is also not cheap. Pretty much about 20 bucks a pop and my prescription is almost up. I was not happy about having to take it.

I grab an ice pack and climb back into bed. Then, in about 30 more minutes, I realize that it is stuffy and hot in my apartment, thanks to the freakishly fickle Dallas weather. I decide to open my window - it's cool outside - it'll be nice, I think.

Aha! The slumber gods have found yet another way to exasperate me. This time, instead of Dude - hows my car? I get an absurdly loud chirping bird.


Shut door. Turn on AC.

And then, after an at-length session of tossing and turning, I finally get to sleep, again.

But then (you thought it was over didn't you!), 20 MINUTES BEFORE MY ALARM GOES OFF my ears are accosted with the early morning sounds of a grounds crew guy hedging the bushes underneath my balcony.

He stays there with his ungodly loud machine until it is time for me to get out of bed. THEN, he moves on.

So yeah, does anyone have a coffee IV they can loan me?