Tuesday, January 11, 2005


This is my hometown, Ruston, Louisiana

As you can clearly see, Ruston is no hub for excitement.

I will give it a little credit though - since I left in 1998 they've made it legal to sell liquor inside the city limits, which in turn attracted the much heralded erection of a Chili's on the service road. And they have cleared out the land behind Wal-Mart to build a movie theater. Although, judging from the abandoned bulldozers and machinery I noticed while home for Christmas, it doesn't look like that theater will be opening anytime soon.

If you'll scroll down on the city profile to the colleges and universities section you will see three listed: Louisiana Tech University, Louisiana Technical College (aka the Vo-Tech) and Pat Goins Beauty School.

In high school, threats made by teachers, one in particular - Mrs. Overstreet or "Ovy" as we liked to call her - followed this hierarchy. If we were not paying quite enough attention it was "Do you want to end up at Tech?" If we failed to work hard enough it was "Why don't you just go take a class at the Vo-Tech?" But the worst threat of all was Pat Goins Beauty School.

And it was Ovy's favorite to throw out with that little smirk you couldn't quite determine if it was in anger or humor. We liked to think she was humored by torturing us. Now don't get me wrong. Ovy was one of our favorite teachers. I think we actually liked the tourture.

"This isn't PGBS!" she would scream if we couldn't get something right. Or if we were talking to loud "Were not at Pat Goins Beauty School!" She said these words super fast. And if you didn't know what she was talking about, chances are you wouldn't be able to figure it out.


You definitely did not want to end up at PGBS.

The ultimate threat.

One day, someone, I forget who, but someone we all knew got really drunk and drove their car through the front window of PGBS.

It was a great day for Ruston news, indeed.