Sunday, January 09, 2005

Notes, thoughts, and revelations from an uneventful Sunday night

1. I wish I lived closer to south Florida.

But that's okay. At least I can get a little string band fix next month with Yonder Mountain at the Gypsy Tea Room.

These guys put on a pretty decent show. Good times will be had. Not to mention a little foot stompin'.

2. I don't care what people say, boy short panties are not that comfortable.

3. After reading the entire February issue of Natural Health cover to cover I realized that everything I put into my body is pretty much toxic. However, I maintain that it is physically impossible for my body to sustain life (or good humor) on a diet of Quinoa and Kale.

4. They did say that dark chocolate is good for you. I firmly believe this.

5. Watching a double feature of Clueless and Blue Crush cannot be good for sustained brain activity.