Sunday, December 26, 2004


running total:
dogs in one house: 6
people sharing one bathroom: 5
ham sandwiches eaten per person: 4
bottles of wine consumed: 7
bottles of Jack Daniels consumed by mother: 3/4
minutes elapsed during fireworks display: 20
visit from local police cruiser: 1
engagement of sister: 1

After about an hour and a half bath of aromatherapy stress relief bath and body works I can now function again. The Christmas marathon is finally over. Thank you Jesus. But all in all I think this was the most successful Christmas trip in recent history. My oldest sister, usually angry and bitter, was in the most pleasant of spirits. And that was before her boyfriend proposed to her! She says that she had no idea it was going to happen then. I can't figure out how she didn't suspect anything - there were some particular moments of absurdity surrounding the "proposal arrangements." She says she just thought we had all finally lost it.

In addition to my sister in a good mood, I got some kick ass gifts, including but not limited to: a pink tweed jacket kind of like this one, a dainty little diamond drop necklace from my Dad, a North Face carrier bag, and an Olympus digital voice recorder I can use for work.

crap. work.

geez I'm tired.

Well. I smell like eucalyptus and I've got on some new pajamas from VS that are quite comfy. I think I will make some orange spice tea and curl up on the couch.

that is all. I hope everyone is recovering well.