Saturday, November 27, 2004

welcome home

I lucked out this time - so I thought. With my mom off galavanting in New York with her new pilot boyfriend and my oldest sister leaving about an hour before I got here, I thought having the house to myself would be quite nice. I'd get in some quality time with my middle sis and the dogs, my mom wouldn't be here to drive me crazy and make me feel guilty for not spending enough time with her, and Kak (the oldest sister) wouldn't take out her mysterious life's bitterness on me. So I'm here and It's not quite that great. I actually kind of miss my mom. Muffy, our 13-year-old Lhasa Apso (fuzzy white with fucked up front teeth) has a bladder infection. She has peed on the carpet about 4 times in the last 15 hours. And it's not like I can see it coming - she'll be running down the stairs and stop mid-step. Okay, so I understand she's sick. I can handle the pee. But there's more. Last night it stormed. And Amy, the three-year-old rescue dog is extremely hypersenstive to storms. She starts pacing and breathing heavy and then she starts in with the frantic clawing of the carpet. It's not a sound anyone wants to hear while trying to fall asleep. Nothing will calm her down, except doggie valium. Seriously, doggie valium. Anyway, I couldn't find the doggie valium amid Muffy's array of doggie amoxicillan, etc. So frantic clawing, pacing, pee and to top that off, Muffy (a little heavier in her old age), snores louder than any human I've heard - and that's including 6'5" 260lb drunk man.