Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I am so not able to do work now. Seriously, I've tried. Just not into it. All I can do is look at apartment listings on Craigslist and check JournalismJobs for the 40th time to see if they've posted any new jobs in the last hour.

I can't even look at flickr photos my brain is so preoccupied.

I applied to be a recipe editor this morning. Rawk.

I had to explain to my sister what rawk meant yesterday. She emailed me that she got a portable George Forman Grill for one of her wedding gifts and I responded with "Portable Forman = rawk."

She did NOT ask about the move. I did not mention the fact that she did not mention the move. This is how we communicate.

My friend Jessica gave her an omelette maker.

Have I mentioned that Jessica's husband has a strange eye disease that prevents him from ever obtaining a driver's license, therefore he is never able to drive a vehicle? Now guess what Jessica's husband's job is. Give up? He is the manager of deliveries for a Barbecue restaurant.

So I'm going to NYC this weekend (yet another reason for unwillingness to be productive). Going to see the Matisse exhibit at The Met, going to Chinatown, hitting up Serendipty and as promised, my cousins are taking me to an authentic guido bar in New Jersey. I will take my camera.