Wednesday, August 17, 2005

hammered: the wedding recap

My favorite/most amused moment was when I was frantically trying to weave my way through a maze of slightly (read: entirely too) drunk receptionites en route to the microphone to deliver the speech I've worried about for a month, when a somewhat older woman I did not recognize stepped directly into my path, shoved a pastel blue package into my chest and said, somewhat gruffly, "Make sure Katharine and Steven get this."

I'd say the wedding went off well. There was some concern that I was going to ruin the whole thing by either A. wearing flip flops to the bridal luncheon or B. wearing my glasses during the ceremony. I wore neither, and saved myself a few evil glares.

The speech turned out OK, I think. People laughed and my sister thanked me when I finished. She actually said I was a good public speaker. That made me laugh. I was just glad I wasn't the only one that gave a speech.

Another memorable moment: My cousin Stephen turns to me and says, "Your mom is sloshed!" Ha! I laughed, and replied, "Are you KIDDING me? Have you seen your mom lately?" Cue a glance from the both of us to the dance floor, where, Stephen's mom has her arms raised into the air and is bouncing along to "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay." Alone.

Yes, Stephen and I nod in agreement, "HAMMERED."


Some photos I took while in Houston. I'm going to add some more (relevant ones) later. Enjoy.