Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Let's see...I got shit on by a pigeon and I watched a couple of New York cops beat the shit out of some guy on a sidewalk in Soho - I'd say my trip was satisfactory.

Actually the trip was great. I went and I saw. I even took some pictures. You can see them here.

I really dig those wooden water tanks at the top of the buildings, by the way.

So the first day we hit up the the Matisse Exhibit at the Met. I could have spent two weeks there. Here you are looking at a painting by Matisse, it may have even been one you've seen before - say you're looking at a painting of a woman in a purple robe - then you move on to the next display and it's the freaking purple robe that is in the painting. Incredible. The way it was arranged put a whole new perspective on Matisse's work for me. Loved it. Highly recommended if you are in New York any time soon.

Um, so yeah, my cousin that's three years younger than I am - the one that makes the rest of the family seem like infantile slug-like bums - she lives five blocks from the Empire State Building. You can see it from the window in her room. She makes a lot of money. She is smart.

I am not smart, according to some. But I digress.

Moving along...I bought Starbucks in Chinatown. Yeah, yeah yeah I know you're supposed to buy purses and jewelry. But I have an addiction people.

Speaking of addictions, I had some frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity. So. Awesome.

I got to hang with my cousins and aunt and uncle in New Jersey. That was cool because I was really hungover that day and probably couldn't have done much else besides sit and eat and nap.

At the bar we went to my cousin and I were attacked by a flock of pink polo shirts with names including, but not limited to, Winship and Britton. You know those guys that have like five names each. I believe a driver's license was consulted for authenticity of said names. Because really, who the fuck names their kid Winship?

Anyway, I did do a little shopping and I bought this really cool purple bead necklace - my "Wilma" necklace according to one cousin. I also bought Mike a Buddha in Chinatown for $2. I spent the rest of my money on food and alcohol.

HA! I almost forgot about the best part! In New Jersey we went to this shady ass bar called the V.I. for some guido sightseeing. Completely awesome.

There was a guy there wearing this shirt in brown. Rock.

And here's a little sample of the jukebox selections:
Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi
The Cult
Bon Jovi