Thursday, June 16, 2005

Orange or Purple

Before last night I had plans to talk about how Melatonin is my new best friend. But even that can't always conquer the circulating stress that resides in my brain and kicks any attempt to doze into the land of slumber right in the ass. On top of that I couldn't get past the overwhelming feeling of bugs crawling all over my body last night, and the sensation that my t-shirt, your typical soft cotton sleeping style tee, felt like a suit of armor, stuffed with fire-hot coals, getting tighter and tighter and tighter.

I'm feeling a little better about things today, so hopefully tonight will be better w/r/t sleeping. And, in less than a week, I'll be sipping the froth off of the top of an ice cold Bud Light while digging my toes into a mound of sparkling white sand, just until only the tops of my feet are visible. Yes, my fat ass will be glued to a beach chair. And when not on the beach chair, with a cold one in my hand, I will be on a raft. Hopefully a purple one. I imagine one of those $2 ones from the outside of a Tom Thumb convenient store that flop around whenever the wind blows. It will probably be orange though, because that's always the only color they seem to have. I once had to sleep on one of those for a week of family vacation because there weren't enough beds, my dad is a cheap ass and I was the youngest kid.