Thursday, November 10, 2005

Ramble On Prose

As do most other things, does writer's block get worse as you get older?

Today is my day off. It's nice having a day off during the week. After all of the hustle and bustle of those going to work getting off to work, there's a nice quiet calm. I can hear the hum of my laptop and the gurgle of the coffee machine dripping my morning cup of brew, that, no doubt, I will enjoy leisurely instead of agressively swallowing in two large gulps. Today it must be sunny, because bright light is pouring in from the small rectangle window above the front door. The entire living room is lit even though the curtains are drawn on the big windows. I will go look out the window soon and inspect the sun situation, but right now my toes are comfy and warm under the down comforter. The heater has kicked on, lulling me back to sleep, but the smell of the coffee taunts me to get up, to start my day. A truck is passing by outside. Perhaps a street cleaner? Today I have two activities planned...well...three: Morning yoga, a trip to the Sprint store and an afternoon nap. I love afternoon naps. Sometimes, that's when I get my best sleep - that is if you measure using the drool-left-on-pillow scale. If only we could institute a poilicy of afternoon napping in the American workplace. I mean come on, they used to make us take them as kids. And, I know for a fact that they do it in Italy. 2-4 p.m. (or is it 4-6?) is a no-fly zone in towns there. (I have thought about moving to Italy soley for this reason)(I have also thought about moving to Switzerland for its chocolate and weed, but that's another issue altogether). Well, it sounds like the coffee's done - don't you love how some coffemakers hiss when they are finished brewing, like a long sigh of relief.