Monday, November 29, 2004


is right around the corner

Saturday, November 27, 2004

welcome home

I lucked out this time - so I thought. With my mom off galavanting in New York with her new pilot boyfriend and my oldest sister leaving about an hour before I got here, I thought having the house to myself would be quite nice. I'd get in some quality time with my middle sis and the dogs, my mom wouldn't be here to drive me crazy and make me feel guilty for not spending enough time with her, and Kak (the oldest sister) wouldn't take out her mysterious life's bitterness on me. So I'm here and It's not quite that great. I actually kind of miss my mom. Muffy, our 13-year-old Lhasa Apso (fuzzy white with fucked up front teeth) has a bladder infection. She has peed on the carpet about 4 times in the last 15 hours. And it's not like I can see it coming - she'll be running down the stairs and stop mid-step. Okay, so I understand she's sick. I can handle the pee. But there's more. Last night it stormed. And Amy, the three-year-old rescue dog is extremely hypersenstive to storms. She starts pacing and breathing heavy and then she starts in with the frantic clawing of the carpet. It's not a sound anyone wants to hear while trying to fall asleep. Nothing will calm her down, except doggie valium. Seriously, doggie valium. Anyway, I couldn't find the doggie valium amid Muffy's array of doggie amoxicillan, etc. So frantic clawing, pacing, pee and to top that off, Muffy (a little heavier in her old age), snores louder than any human I've heard - and that's including 6'5" 260lb drunk man.

Monday, November 22, 2004

An Exercise in Self-Motivation

Tonight you are going to clean your apartment. The clothes will be taken out of the dryer, folded and put away into their designated area of storage. They will not be simply dropped back into the laundry basket. The hanging clothes will not be thrown onto the back of a chair. The ants that were killed via intense shower of Raid will be cleaned off of the counters. The trash will be collected and taken out, including the leftovers that have amassed in the refrigerator. Boxes considered to be trash will not be placed behind the recliner in hopes that a magical trash fairy will transport them to the proper receptacle while you are asleep. The empty mugs will be cleared from their various locations and washed. You will, by no means, go near the couch unless it is to clean the coffee table.

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Obviously I should be working. I've got a massive stack of stories to get started on/finish. We just wrapped up our Dec. issue, so now I've got to get started on Jan - and because of the holidays deadlines are super early. In additon to mega Jan, issue deadlines I've got until the end of Dec. to complete stories for a home-oriented publication we put out in April. Argh. All I want to do today is put on pajama pants and curl up on my couch with my fuzzy dinosaur blanket and a mug of green tea and watch movies. I want to light my pumpkin spice candle and drift in and out of sleep not worrying about the time or having to be somewhere or get something done.

Hmm come to think of it we've got green tea in the kitchen. I will make some now and then continue to stare in disbelief at the entire bag of jelly bellys that I just ate.

Whiskey Bound

In Baton Rouge, whenever this song is played at a bar it means free shots, but in order to get your free shot you must rush the bar, line up, tilt your head back and wait for the barkeep to pour the red-colored grain alcohol mix down your throat. Count on about 1/3 of the actual shot making it into your mouth. The rest will end up on the front of your shirt. Just think of it as a party favor from an LSU football weekend.

This weekend I will repair to Baton Rouge for my first football game since I graduated 2 years ago. I haven't been to Death Valley since. It will be good times. It's the annual LSU/Ole MIss face off - a large game to attend. Big rivalry - I think more so with the fans than the actual football teams.

One thing that's interesting about LSU and Ole Miss is the methods of tailgating. Vastly different. At LSU tailgating = lots of beer and whisky, plastic cups, sausage and burgers, fold out card tables and some lawn chairs - if your lucky. The RVs start arriving on Wednesday before the Saturday game - gigantic purple and gold banners waving proudly and obnoxiously. It's a come as you are and drink the hell out of the day affair. Oh yeah, and we tailgate in the stadium parking lot.

At Ole Miss, they assemble for game day festivities in the "Grove" a beautiful park-like area in the center of their campus. They set up large tents. They give their tents a theme. For example, one year I passed by a Disney-themed tent (on the way to the LSU card table and lawn chair). I've seen a tent with a champagne fountain and crystal glasses. Real napkins, real plates, hell I've even seen ice sculptures.

But the important thing is, no matter how fancy and elaborate or tacky (prideful tackiness I might add - the tackier the better), everyone gets drunk.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Seatbelts and Strawberry Cough Drops

I think it's because I've got a cold and my head is all fuzzy, but I keep having the sensation that I need to put on a seatbelt while I'm sitting at my desk. In related news, I bought some strawberry flavored cough drops to combat this evil thing that has invaded my chest. They taste quite nice. Like candy.

Monday, November 15, 2004


Songs I listened to today (other than the Shins):
Driving Song - WP
Seven Nation Army - White Stripes
Elevator - Particle
Pigeons - WP
Shakedown Street - Grateful Dead
Tears of a Woman - WP
Five String Serenade - Mazzy Star
Karma Police - Radiohead

and some various Gov't Mule

What I am about to listen to:
Nina Simone

rock on

Breaking News

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24 7 News Net
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Mathematician releases the 137 Sequence
Einstein's Grand Unification Theory Found
Written By D.E. Alexander 24 7 News Net
24 7 News Net - The Alternative News Wire
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24 7 News Net - The Alternative News Wire
November 15th, 2004

137 is a BIG NUMBER in the world of Physics.

Some say it's the glue that holds our Universe together.

For years physicists have pondered why 137 keeps showing up at the atomic level of our universe. For instance there are 137 electron wave lengths in ALL atomic orbits. It's a number that literally links all atoms to a universal law.

137 is also the number that appears in the 'Fine-Structure Constant of Electrodynamics" in Physics.

Many say Einstein's Grand Unification Theory would explain 137. Well a brilliant mathematician has revealed an amazing mathematical sequence of numbers, perhaps the most amazing sequence since the Fibonacci Sequence become known almost 1000 years ago.

The new number sequence is aptly named 'The 137 Sequence'. It proves 137 is a repeating number in a very simple doubling law. Can it be PROOF that the whole atomic structure of our Universe is based on this simple new numbering sequence?

The 137 Sequence states, "Starting with the number one you double and then add one."

This generates 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255,511 ...

As you can see this simple doubling law generates 1 3 7 the infamous number that fascinates many of the top physicists in the world.

The best part of this sequence is that it reveals that 1 3 7 repeats infinitely in this sequence. However, there's a little secret you have to know to see how 137 repeats over and over in this new number sequence.

The secret is called Base 9 Number Reduction, it's an ancient numbering system used for thousands of years in Kabbalah, a sacred Hebrew system to analyze codes hidden in the Bible.

I know you thought THE BIBLE CODE was new, well it's not. Anyway, this ancient number system is also known to some as Theosophical Addition.

Basically you take the numbers in the 137 sequence as it progresses into very large numbers and you compress or reduce them to a one digit number.

For example:

127=1+2+7=10 and 1+0=1

255=2+5+5=12 and 1+2=3


You can see how 137 is hidden in sequence within 127, 255 and 511, this is proof 137 is a repeating algorithm hidden within the 137 sequence.

The famous Fibonacci Sequence is known to hold numbers that appear in nature in many visible design traits of thinks like trees and sunflowers.

137 was only recently discovered by man in the past 50 or so years. It was HIDDEN to the world for thousands of years since you need to understand atoms on a very small scale to see how it appears over and over.

Well now we have a simple new number sequence, the 137 Sequence that explains how 137 is hidden as a repeating algorithm in this simple doubling law.

The person the revealed this hidden algorithm is famous for using his Base 9 Number Reduction to find hidden algorithms in Primes, Exponents and even the Fibonacci sequence. He revealed Primes have a Mod-30 algorithm and the Fibonacci sequence has a Mod-24 algorithm.

Now he has revealed the Mod-6 Algorithm of the 137 Sequence.

You can read his paper on this breakthrough find that could become the proof for Einstein's GUT (Grand Unification Theory) at

Friday, November 12, 2004

NOT something a politician should say

"I am looking for arsonists."

Monday, November 08, 2004


Every time I finish a painting I get inspired to do yet another - I'm not quite satisfied with what I've made, so I decide to take another shot. This one will be better. And so I head out to fight the after hours crowd at Michaels. After weaving past soccer moms and their sweaty offspring clad in black cleats, and confused college students in hoodies looking for cool crap to make for their dorm room, and the giggling pre-teen and her friend that have strayed from her parents only to find the puffy paint aisle, I close in on the canvas section. I grab a few, various sizes, breeze past the oil paint, maybe pick up some more titanium white (I'm always in need of more white) and quickly find my way back to the checkout. No one needs to be in Michaels for an extended period of time. It can lead to a bad bout of hysterical mania - kind of like Tom Thumb on Sunday or NorthPark just about any day of the week or any visit to the DMV. Maybe it's the paint fumes or hot glue. Anyway, I eventually get home with my new canvas, and perhaps new paint. Of course, I do not start painting right away. That's not my style. Instead I let the canvas and the paint sit, in the bag, first on the bench by the kitchen, then they are shoved under the bench, and eventually out of sight. I forget about them. Then, one day, weeks, maybe months later, I get an idea. The painting bug has struck again. So I set up, easel ready, canvas ready, and I start. Mixing the colors is my favorite part. I get started and paint something, something that I've envision in my head. The only problem is that the vision is incomplete, and I get to a certain point and stop. I don't know what to do next. So then the painting, unfinished, sits for weeks, maybe months until I get the urge to just finish the damn thing.

Friday, November 05, 2004

nice ice

I just found out about the ice machine in my office. Up until now I've been constantly wondering why there was no ice in the freezer, and internally complaining because I only had access to lukewarm water. This morning I happened to see a co-worker shovelling ice out of what I thought was a trash compactor, but is actually an ice machine. Good ice. I am eating some right now. It is awesome.

Monday, November 01, 2004


Today has been the longest day. And it's still not over. I didn't sleep at all, basically spent the night in a weird hypnotic state. This morning I threw myself out of the bed and into the shower, dazed. after smoking an excessive amount of cigarettes I trucked on down Skillman to work. I was early. A significant feat for me. Almost to the parking garage I realized that I had left my gate key at home. damn. I had to turn around and go back. Could've waited for someone to come along with their key, but you have to have it to get back into the garage. I didn't think about parking on the street. brain funk due to insomnia. I got to work prepared to do my job, get some stuff done. I started out well, got two interviews out of the way. But then I started to lose steam, and by 1 p.m. I had run out and resorted to staring at my coffee cup. Went to Legal Grounds for lunch. Had the veggie soup. It was okay. Then I drove around the block. After work I think I am going to buy a Shins CD.

partial recall

the rain's coming down pretty hard now. we thought this would happen all day. but it kept us waiting in anticipation. the warmer than normal october air smelled clean and sharp. the wind grazed the side of my building catching against the bottom of the upstairs balcony. a whistle; deep howl. i started reading the infinite jest. "it's funny the things we don't recall." at mcdonalds this morning. thinking all is good. seeing a momma and a daddy swinnging their little boy into the air. i'm sure that at some point i had to have done that with my parents. but for the life of me i can't remember. the nightmares have started back up. well they've been back for a while now. but are reaching new heights. several per night now. some of them are new, but then mixed up with the same ones from my childhood. these new ones, i can tell why some elements made it in - on tv that day, something that happened to a friend. but some things are out of nowhere. i'd like to have a nice dream. i remember waking up several months ago. a dream had left me feeling warm and happy and peaceful. but i started thinking, trying to retell. the dream, fragments are only left in my mind. but it had something to do with a building. a building that you could only see at a certain time while standing on certain steps leading to a river. the light of the sun reflected so beautifully off of the building. and in the dream, i was the only one that saw. how can it be that that is the only good dream i can recall? last night it was knives and wolves. but the wolves were on my side this time. tonight i will try to dream of rainbows - or at least a sparkling building. that is all. goodnight.