Thursday, July 05, 2007


I just realized I went the entire month of June without a single post. It's really not like I've been that busy. Just a little uninspired I guess.

I have also not picked up my camera since, well geez, since our trip to Austin in February. Wait, I take that back. I did pick up the camera once since then to take to the Whirling Dervishes performance, but soon realized I could not find any of the rechargeable batteries. Why not just buy some batteries, you ask? Laziness, my friends. Laziness.

Mike and I have begun our search for a new apartment. We have dreams of a second bedroom, a balcony, a dishwasher, and most importantly a bathroom that's bigger than a telephone booth. We've seen two apartments already and the search has already stressed me out to the point of sleepless nights and obsessive compulsive behavior (e.g. checking Craigslist every 10 minutes). We have to move to another neighborhood because the rent prices are too high in ours. We have narrowed our options to two neighborhoods of preference. While both could be tremendously awesome, each has its downfalls and I'm worried that we might find ourselves in a situation where we are miserable for a year.

Plus, I hate moving. I keep telling myself I need to relax, but that doesn't do much good.